Considered by many scholars to be Rihani's masterpiece.
In this philosophical and autobiographical novel, Khalid's experiences and transcendental philosophy are traced in three phases of his life. These phases are outlined in the sections of the book, which include: "In the Exchange" (New York), "In the Temple" (Mount Lebanon), and "In Kul Makan" (Everywhere, or from Baalbeck to Cairo). From business to politics, and from emotional to intellectual challenges, the "new prophet" Khalid leads the way to a new Empire that combines the virtues of East and West, spirit and matter, art and science. Khalid realizes that his country is about to speak and that he is her "chosen voice." This is where Khalid, the new Superman, enjoys the religious inspiration of Asia, the expressive art of Europe, and the scientific advances of America.
Written in 1911.
364 pages, hard cover.
Published in 2000.