His Works
English Works
1. From My Early Notebook, Ms., written (writ.) 1901-1903, handwritten text,75 pages; the original at the Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA).
2. International Rivalries in the Near East, Ms., writ. 1897-1937, typewritten, handwritten and printed texts, 180 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
3. The Path of Vision, writ. 1913-1921, published (pub.) 1921, James T. White and Co., New York,92 pages. Reprinted 1970, Beirut, and 2008, Washington, D.C., … Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
Rihani in Central Park, 1911
4. My Peace Mission in Arabia, Ms., writ. 1924-1925, typewritten text, 13+ pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
5. The Fate of Palestine, writ. 1931-1937, pub. 1967 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut, 166 pages. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
6. Letters to Uncle Sam, writ. 1917-1919, pub. 2001 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C., 54 pages; the original at ARMA, and a copy at the Library of Congress (LOC).
7. The White Way and the Desert, writ. 1898-1937, pub. 2002 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C., 178 pages.
8. The Pan Arab Movement, writ. 1930-1938, pub. 2008 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C., 84 pages.
9. Philosophical and Cultural Reflections, Supplementary Articles, Ms., writ. 1897-1939, handwritten and typewritten texts, approximately 60 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
10. Supplementary Literary and Social Articles, Ms., writ. 1897-1940, handwritten and typewritten texts, 106 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
11. Supplementary Political Articles, Ms., writ. 1910-1939, handwritten and typewritten texts, 96 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
Art and Literary Criticism
12. Critiques in Art, written (writ.) 1918-circa 1931, published (pub.) 1999 [posth.], Librairie du Liban, Beirut, 198 pages.
13. The Lore of the Arabian Nights, writ. 1929, pub. 2002 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, DC, 104 pages.
14. Arabia's Contribution to Civilization, writ. 1930, pub. 2008 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C., 41 pages.
15. The Poetry of Arabia, writ. 1930, pub. 2008 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C., 22 pages.
Book of Khalid (1911) Book of Khalid (1973) Book of Khalid (2000)
Novels, Short Stories, and Plays
16. The Book of Khalid, a philosophical novel, writ. 1907-1910, pub. 1911, Dodd Mead and Co., New York, 365 pages. Reprinted 1973, 2000, Beirut, 2012, New York, Melville House, a critical edition, 2014, Syracuse University Press, 650 pages, and several other editions and prints… Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
17. The Lily of El-Ghor, a novel, Ms., writ. 1914, typewritten text, 356 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
18. Doctor Della Valle, a novel, Ms., writ. 1917-1919, typewritten text, 312 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
19. Juhan, a novelette, writ. 1916-1917, pub. 2011 [posth.], Notre Dame University Press, and Editions Dar an-Nahar, Beirut, 91 pages. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
20. The Green Flag, short stories, Ms., writ. 1913-1918, typewritten texts, 58 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
21. Wajdah, a play in drama verse, writ. 1907-1909, pub. 2001 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C., 105 pages. Referr to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
22. The Quatrains of Abul-cAla', translated into English 1901-1903, published (pub.) 1903, Doubleday Page and Co., New York, 143 pages.
23. Myrtle and Myrrh, Rihani's first poetry collection in English, writ. 1901-1905, pub. 1905, Gorham Press, Boston. Reprinted 2005, Washington, D.C
24. The Luzumiyat of Abul-cAla', translated into English 1917-1918, pub. 1918, James T. White and Co., New York, USA. Reprinted 1920, New York; 1944 and 1978, Beirut.
25. A Chant of Mystics and Other Poems, writ. 1904-1921, pub. 1921, James T. White and Co., New York. Reprinted 1970, Beirut.
26. Waves of My Life and Other Poems, writ. 1897-1937, pub. 2009 [posth.], Platform International, Washington, D.C.
Historical & Political Analysis
27. Turkey and Islam in the War, Ms., written (writ.) 1912-1917, typewritten text, 140 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
28. The Descent of Bolshevism, writ. 1919-1920, pub. 1920, the Stratford Co., Boston.
29. Maker of Modern Arabia or Ibn Saud of Arabia, His People and His Land, writ. 1923-1927, pub. 1928, Constable and Co., Ltd., London, England; Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston; Macmillan Co., Toronto, Canada; and Oxford University Press, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, India, 370 pages. Reprinted 1933 London, Boston, Toronto, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras; 1983, New York and several other editions and prints.
30. Iraq During the Days of King Faisal the First, Ms., writ. 1932, typewritten text, 369 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
31. In the Land of the Mayas, Ms., written (writ) 1918-1919, typewritten text, 54 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
32. Around the Coasts of Arabia, writ. 1928-1929, pub. 1930, Constable and Co., London, England; Macmillan Co., Toronto, Canada; The Oxford University Press, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, India, 364 pages. Reprinted 1931, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston; 1933, London, Toronto, Boston, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras; 1983, New York and several other editions and prints.
33. Arabian Peak and Desert, writ. 1929-1930, published (pub.) 1930, Constable and Co., London, England; Macmillan Co., Toronto, Canada; The Oxford University Press, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, India, 293 pages. Reprinted 1931, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston; 1933, London, Toronto, Boston, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras; 1983, New York and several other editions and prints.
34. Kurdistan, Ms., writ. 1932, typewritten text, 145 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
35. The English Letters of Ameen Rihani, Ms., 1897-1940, handwritten and typewritten letters, 750 pages; the original at Ameen Rihani Museum Archives (ARMA), copy at the Library of Congress (LOC), a digital copy at North Carolina State University (NCSU), and another digital copy at Notre Dame University (NDU), Lebanon.
Arabic Works
1. The Rihani Essays (Ar- Rihaniyyat), 1910, The Scientific Printing Press, Beirut, in two Volumes. Reprinted 1922, 1942, 1950, 1956, 1963 and 1968, Beirut; 1978, Beirut and Cairo; 1982, 1987; and 2016 Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
2. Eastern and Western Figures (Wujuh Sharqiyya Garbiyya), 1957 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut. Reprinted 1986 and 1989, and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
3. Literature and Art (Adab wa Fan), 1957 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut. Reprinted 1986 and 1989, and 2016, Beirut.
4. Writings of Early Days (Shatharāt Min 'Ahd-is Siba), 1980 [posth.], The Arab Institute for Research and Publication, Beirut. Reprinted 1981, 1991 and 2016, Beirut. 4/66
5. Patchwork of Thoughts (KashkoulL-ul Khawāter), 2014 [posth.] Fagr-un Nahda Publishers, Beirut.
6. The Genesis of Primary Notes (Sifr-ut Tadween), 2016 [posth.], Librairie du Liban Publishers, Beirut.
The Rihani Essays King of The Arabs
Literary Criticism
7. You the Poets (Antoum-ush Shu’ara’), 1933, Al-Kashaaf Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1953, 1986, 1989 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works (ARTW).
8. My Story with May (Qissaty Ma' May), 1980 [posth.], The Arab Institute for Research and Publication, Beirut. Reprinted 1983, 1986, 1989 and 2016 Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
Novels, Short Stories, and Plays
9. The Trilateral Treaty in the Animal Kingdom (Al-Muḥalafa Ath-Thulathiyya Fil Mamlaka-l Ḥayāwāniyya), 1903, Al-Huda Printing Press, New York. Reprinted 1972, 1989 and 2016, Beirut.
10. The Muleteer and the Monk (Al-Makāri wal Kāhen), 1904, Al-Huda Printing Press, New York. Reprinted 1908, 1934, 1969 and 1989 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
11. Abdu-l Hameed in the Āsitāna Prison (Abdu-l Hameed fi Sijni-l Āsitāna), 1909, The Scientific Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1951, 1973, 1989 and 2016, Beirut.
12. The Lily of El-Ghor (Zanbakat-ul Ghawr), 1914, Al-Funoun Company, New York. Reprinted 1917, New York; 1963, 1987, 1989 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
13. Faithful Time (Wafa’-uz Zamān), 1934, Al-Balagh Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1955 and 1989 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
14. The Register of Repent (Sijil-ut Tawba), 1951 [posth.], Iqra' Series Publications, Cairo. Reprinted 1973 and 1989 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
15. Hymn of the Valleys (Hutāf-ul Awdiya), 1955 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut. Reprinted 1986 and 1989 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
Historical and Political Analysis
16. Treatise of the French Revolution (Nubtha Fith-th Thowra-l Faranciya), 1902, Al-Huda Printing Press, New York. Reprinted 1972,1981, 1989, 1991 and 2016, Beirut.
17. Kings of the Arabs (Muluk-ul ‘Arab), 1924, The Scientific Printing Press, Beirut, in two volumes. Reprinted 1929, 1951, 1960, 1967, 1980, 1986, 1987 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
18. Disasters (An-Nakabāt), 1928, The Scientific Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1948, 1976, 1981 and 1991 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
19. The Modern History of Najd (Tāreekh Najd al-Hadeeth), 1928, The Scientific Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1954, 1964 and 1970, Beirut; 1972, Riyadh; 1980 and 1988, and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
20. Extremism and Reform (At-Tatarrof Wal-Islāḥ), 1928, The Scientific Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1930, 1950, 1983 and 1991, and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
21. The Heart of Iraq (Qalb-ul 'Iraq), 1935, The Sader Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1957, 1980 and 1988 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
22. Nationalisms (Al-Qawmiyyāt), 1956 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut, in two Volumes. Reprinted 1976, 1983 and 1987 and 2016, Beirut.
23. Faysal the First (Faysal-ul 'Awwal), 1934, The Sader Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1958, 1980, 1988, and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).

Rihani (left), with King Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia
24. The Heart of Lebanon (Qalb-u Lubnān), 1947 [posth.], The Sader – Rihani Printing Press, Beirut. Reprinted 1959, 1965, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1980, 1986, 1991, 1994 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Translated Works (ARTW).
25. The Far Morocco (Al-Magrib-ul ‘Aqsa), 1952 [posth.], Al-Ma'aref Publishers, Cairo, in three Volumes. Reprinted 1976, 1980, 1987, and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
26. The Illumination of Andalusia (Nour-ul 'Andaluss), 1952 [posth.], Al-Ma'aref Publishers, Cairo. Reprinted 1969, 1980, 1987 and 2016. Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
27. Seeds for Sowers (Buthur liz-Zariceen), 1961 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut. Reprinted 1989, and 2016, Beirut.
28. The Arabic Letters of Ameen Rihani (Rasa’el Ameen Ar-Rihani Al-cArabiyya), 1959 [posth.], The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut. Reprinted 1991 and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works (ARTW).
29. Between the Freike Valley and the NewYorkleem Valley (Baina Wadi Furayka wa Wadi NewYorkleem), 2016 [posth.], Librairie du Liban Publishers, Beirut.
The Will
30. My Will (Wasiyyaty) 1982 [posth.], The Arab Institute for Research and Publication, Beirut. Reprinted 1983 and 1991, and 2016, Beirut. Refer to Ameen Rihani Translated Works, (ARTW).
Art Work
Sketches Without Art Craft, unpublished, 1896-1940, originals at the Rihani Museum archives, 66 sketches.
P.S.: Ameen Rihani left 35 works in English, 30 works in Arabic, and an art collection of 66 sketches. Complete Works: English = 35; Arabic = 30; Art Collection = 1, including 66 sketches; total: (35 + 30 + 1 = 66 works)