Books, theses, and dissertations on Rihani (1903-2020)
Arabic and other Asian Languages
Alphabetical order of authors
Adhadha, Dana, A.
Ameen Rihani's Experience in Drawing and in Art Criticism, (Ikhtibar Ameen Ar-Rayhani li Fan Arrasm wa-Annaqd Al-Fanni), M.A. thesis, School of Fine Arts, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon, 2004, 210 pages.
Al-Ahdab, Abdul-Khaliq
Allah Wa-r-Rayhani (God and Rihani), thesis, The Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon, 1971, 182 pages.
Al-Birzanji, Dr. Delsouz Jacfar
Al-Maqala Azhatiyah fi Adab Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Personal Essay in Ameen Rihani Literature), Ph.D. dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, Sulaimaniya University, As-Sulaimaniya City, Iraq, 2010, 225 pages.
Al-Ghunaim, Dr. Abdallah Youssouf
Al-Kuwait fi Kitabāt Ameen Ar-Rayhani wa Rasa’ilihi (Kuwait in the Writings of Ameen Rihani and in His Letters), Center for Research and Studies, Kuwait, 2011, 118 pages.
Àl-Saud, King Abdul-Aziz, and Rihani, Ameen
Al-Malik Abdul-Aziz Wa Ameen Ar-Rayhani, Rasa'el Mutabadalah (King Abdul-Aziz and Ameen Rihani - Correspondence), Dar Amwaj, Beirut, Lebanon, 2000, 192 pages
Ar-Rāfici, Toufiq
Ameen Ar-Rayhani fi Misr Mokaddim Falsafatu-sh-Sharq ila-l-Gharb (Ameen Rihani In Egypt The Introducer of the Philosophy of the East to the West), Dar Al-Hilal, Cairo, 1922, 314 pages.
Ayoub, François
Falsafatu Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Philosophy of Ameen Rihani), thesis, The Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon, 1968, 134 pages. -
Ayyash, Abdullah Mahmoud Masoud
Athar Walt Whitman fe she'r Ameen al Rayhani (Walt Whitman's Influence on Ameen Rihani's Poetry), thesis, Hashemite University, Jordan, 2007.
Batti, Raphael
Ameen Ar-Rayhani fi-l 'Iraq (Ameen Rihani in Iraq), Dar As-Salam Press, Baghdad, Iraq, 1923, 230 pages.
Boutabso, Fatima
Adabiyat-ul Khitab fi riḥlat Noor Al-Andalus li Ameen ar-Rayhani (The Literary Discourse of Ameen Rihani Travel: Nour Al-Andalus), M.A. thesis, Faculty of Humanities, Mantury University, Costantiniyah, Algeria, 2011, 142 pages.
Center for Arab Unity Studies
Ameen Ar-Rayḥani wa-t Tajaddud-ul Araby, Tahadiyat at-Taghyeer fil-Adab wal Fikr wal Mujtamac (Ameen Rihani and Arab Renewal, Challenges of Change in Literature, Thought and Society), conference proceedings on Rihani organized by Center for Arab Unity Studies in collaboration with The University of Sydney, Australia, Beirut, 2012, 512 pages.
Center for Lebanese Heritage
Qabasun Min Loubnan: Bein Gibran War-Rayḥani (A Light from Lebanon: Between Gibran and Riḥani), American Lebanese University, 2009, 183 pages.
Dsouqi, Dr. Mouna
At-Tatarruf wal Islaḥ Cinda Ameen Ar-Rihani (Extremism and Reform According to Ameen Rihani), Ph.D. dissertation, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Saint Joseph University, Beirut, 2001, 454 pages. Published under the same title, Dar Al-Mashreq, Beirut, 2004, 472 pages.
Faddoul, Archbishop Simon
Ameen Ar-Rayhani: Tanagumu-th Thaqafat Wa Wahdatu-l Insan (Ameen Rihani the Harmony of Cultures and the Unity of Man), proceedings of the Ameen Rihani Conference 1999, Saint Joseph/Kornet Chehwan Publications, Lebanon, 2000, 317 pages.
Ghosn, Dr. Amina
Ameen Ar-Rayḥani fil Cib’ Ar-Rasuly (Ameen Rihani and the Prophethood Charge), Al-Farabi Publishers, Beirut, 2011, 221 pages.
Hashimi, Mariam
Al-'Ijtimaiyat fi Aathar Ameen ar-Rihani (The Social Concerns in Ameen Rihani's Works), M.A. thesis, Azad Islamic University, Tehran, Iran, 2005, 170 pages.
Mafhoum Al-Madina Al-Couzhma fi Ar-Rayḥaniyyāt wa Sa’er ‘Amal Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Notion of the Great City in Ar-Riḥaniyyāt and the other Ameen Rihani Works), Ph.D. dissertation, the Islamic University of Lebanon, Beirut, 2010, 456 pages. -
Hajj, Kamal Yusuf
Falsafatu Ameen Ar-Rayḥani (The Philosophy of Ameen Rihani), Beirut, Lebanon,1963, 27 pages.
Institute of Lebanese Thought
Maḥawer fi Falsaphat Ameen Ar-Rayhani (Axes in the Philosophy of Ameen Rihani), International Conference proceedings on the Philosophy of Ameen Rihani organized by Ntre Dame University (NDU) and The American University of Beirut (AUB), NDU Press, 2017, 715 pages.
Institute of Lebanese Thought
Falsafatu Ameen Ar-Rayḥani fi Nusous Mukhtara (The Philosophy of Ameen Rihani in Selected Texts), Notre Dame University Press, Beirut, 2016, 295 pages.
Jabre, Dr. Jamil
Ameen ar-Rayhani Seeratuhu wa Adaboh (Ameen Rihani, His Biography and Literature), Al-Maktaba Al-Casriyah, Saida, Lebanon, 1964, 218 pages.
Jadiri, Abeer
Ḥayat wa Sharḥ Àthar Ameen Rihani, (The Biography and Analysis of Ameen Rihani Works and Heritage), M.A. thesis in the Farsi language, Faculty of Humanities, Tehran University of Education, 1999, 157 pages.
Jeha, Prof. Michel
Ameen Ar-Rayhani, Nusous wa ‘Ara’ (Ameen Rihani, Selections and Studies), Sader Publishers, 2007, 398 pages.
Kancan, Moh. Najib
Mafhoum-uth Thawra cind Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Notion of Revolution According to Ameen Rihani), M.A. thesis, Faculty of Humanities, Lebanese University, Beirut, 1971, 195 pages.
Kashef Al-Ghata’, Àl, Samahat As-Sayed Moh. Husain
Al Murajacat Ar-Rayhaniyyah (Rihani Reviews), al-Urfan Journal Publications, Saida, Lebanon, 1913, reprinted in 1926, Baghdad, Iraq; and in 2003 in Beirut, edited by Al-CAllamah As-Sayyed Moh. Abdul Hakeem As-Safi, Al-Hadi Publications, 540 pages.
Kayyali, Sami
Ameen Ar-Rayḥani, Seeratuhu wa Acmaluhu (Ameen Rihani, His Biography and Works), Faculty of Higher Education, The Arab League, Cairo, 1960, 212 pages.
Kazwini, Macsouma Nicmati
Ash-Shicr al Manthour fil Adab al-Arabi al_Mucaser: Ameen Ar-Rayhani Namuthajan (The Example of Ameen Rihani (Free Verse in Modern Arabic Literature: The Example of Ameen Rihani), M.A. thesis in Farsi, Mudarres University, Qazween, Iran, 2006, 170 pages.
Khoury, Raif
Ar-Rayhani wa Haqiqat-ud-Dimocratiat-il-Amirikiyyah (Rihani and the Truth of American Democracy), Dar Al-Kari' Al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, 1948, 115 pages.
Leivin, Dr. Z. E.
Faylasuf-ul Furayka (The Philosopher of Freike), Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 1965. Reprinted 1974, Moscow. Translated from Russian into Arabic by Dr. Khalaf Mohammad Al-Jarrad, Dar Al-Masader, Damascus, Syria, 1992, 120 pages.
Lin, Dr. Fenjamin
Ameen Ar-Rayhani wa Walt Whitman (Ameen Rihani and Walt Whitman), a study in comparative literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Beijing, China, 2000, 212 pages.
Mawloud, Sabah Karim
Al-Maqala Ash-Shakhsiyyah fi Adab Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Personal Essay in Ameen Rihani’s Literature), M.A. thesis, Suleimaniyyah University, Suleimaniyyah, Iraq, 2010, 234 pages.
Miro, Mohammad Mustapha
Al-Araa'-ul-Ijtima'iyyat-u wass-Siyasiyyat-u 'Inda Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Social and Political Views of Ameen Rihani), Dar Al-Wafa', Aleppo, Syria, 1996, 158 pages. -
Moden, Abdul Rahim
Riḥlat-ul Mashreqi wal Maghreb (The Travel to the Orient and the Occident), n. p., Ad-Dar Al-Baida’, Al Maghreb, Morocco, 2000, 120 pages.
Mokbel, Elie
An-Naz'at-ul-'Arabiyyah fi Hayat wa 'Amaal Ameen Ar-Rayhani (The Arab Inclination in the life and Works of Ameen Rihani), M.A. thesis, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 1975, 188 pages.
North of Metn Cultural Council
Ameen Ar-Rayḥani Bacda Rubci Qarn (Ameen Rihani After a Quarter of a Century), The Week of Festivities and Events, 24-30 October 1965, The Rihani Printing and Publishing House, Beirut, 1966, 319 pages.
Notre Dame University
Ameen Rihani fi Khamsiniyat Qalb Lubnan (Ameen Rihani in the 50th Anniversary of The Heart of Lebanon), 1998, Notre Dame University Press, 127 pages.
Rihani, Albert
Ameen ar-Rayhani: Seeratuhu, A'maluhu wa Mukhtaraat min Kitabaatihi (Ameen Rihani: Biography, Works and Selections of his Writings), The Rihani House, Beirut, Lebanon, 1941, 130 pages. -
Ar-Rayhani wa Mu'aasiruuh (Rihani and His Contemporaries, Letters to Him from His Friends), Beirut, Lebanon, 1965, 378 pages. -
‘Aina Tajed Ameen ar-Rayhani )Where To Find Ameen Rihani, a bibliography(, The Arab Institute for Research and Publishing, Beirut, Lebanon, 1979, 558 pages.
Rihani, Ameen Albert
Faylasuf-ul Furaykah Saahib-ul Madeenat-il 'Uzhmah (The Philosopher of Freike - Author of the Great City), Dar Al-Jeel, Beirut, Lebanon, 1987, 455 pages.
Al-Yanaabee'-ul Mansiyya (Forgotten Springs, or the English Manuscripts of Rihani), Riyad N. Rayyes Publishers, Beirut, Lebanon, 2000, 393 pages. -
Safwat-ul Falsafa Ar-Rayhaniyya (The Essence of the Rihani Philosophy), Double Pine Tree Publishing, Beirut, 2016, 94 pages.
Saḥrawi, Abdu-s Salam
Ameen Ar-Rayhani Ḥamel-ul Humoum-il Insaniyya wal Wataniyya wal Quawmiyya (Ameen Rihani Carrier of human, patriotic and national concerns (, Arab Writers Union, Cairo, 2010, 152 pages.
Shoullami, Fr. Rami
Az-Zaman As-Sardi wa Calaqatuhu bil-Mawt-i wal Khalās fi Riwayāt Kitāb Khālid, Al-Ajniḥa-l Mutakassirah wal Yawmu-l Akhir, (The Narrative Time and its Relations with Death and Salvation in the Novels: The Book of Khalid, Broken Wings and The Last Day), Ph.D. dissertation, The Holy Spirit University, Kaslik, Lebanon, 2014, part 1: 263 pages, part 2: 304 pages.
Sharif, Maher
Rayhānat-un Nahdah fil Fikr-il Arabi (The Myrtle of the Renaissance in Arab Thought), Dar Al-Mada, Damascus, Syria, 2000, 148 pages.
Union of Lebanese Writers
Ameen Ar-Rayhāni Ra’ed Nahdawi min Lubnan (Ameen Rihani a Renaisance Pioneer from Lebanon), Dar Al-Cilm lil-Malayeen, Beirut, 1988, 285 pages.
Portraits of Rihani by Khalil Gibran
Books, theses, and dissertations on Rihani
in English and other European Languages
Alphabetical order of authors
Aldinova, Dr. L. Tez
The Poetry of Ameen Rihani, Ph.D. dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, Saint Petersburg University, Russia, 1986, 312 pages.
Allain, Philippe
La Relation de Voyage chez Amîn ar–Rayhânî, Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III, Collection Livres, Paris, 1978, 191 pages.
Al Ghobaini, Humoud
Ameen Rihani's Book of Khalid: A Forerunner of Arab American Literature, M.A. thesis, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2004, 164 pages.
Azizi, Ibrahim M.
Nostalgia and Beyond: The Treatment of the Past in Diana Abu-Jaber’s Arabian Jazz and Ameen Rihani’s The Book of Khalid, M.A. thesis, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2008, 118 pages.
Barakat Saba, Rose
Rihani: A literary Pilgrim and Reformer, M. A. thesis, The Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon, 1995, 134 pages.
Bushrui, Prof. Suheil, and May Rihani
The Essential Ameen Rihani, ed. and introduction, Maryland University Press, 2014, 289 pages.
Cassar, Alice
Hommage à Amine Rihani, à l'occasion du vingt-cinquième anniversaire de sa mort, Conseil Culturel du Metn Nord, Beyrouth, 1965, 48 pages.
Homenaje a Amîn ar-Rîhanî, 100 Anniversario, I.B.L.A., (Italiano), Roma, 1976, 56 págs.
Cheskiĭ Ukazate
Amin ar-Reikhani, Bio-Bibliografi, Moskva, 1959, 34 pages.
Chittani, Arianna
The Book of Khalid e The Prophet: Due Capolavori della Letteratura Arabo-Americana a Confronto Tramite la Linguistica dei Corpora, Tesi di Laurea in Interpretazionedi Trattativa Lingua Inglese, Universita del Salento, Itali, 2013, 160 paginas.
Choudhury, Taybur Rahman
Ameen Rihani, a Study on Migrant Literature, Assam University, Silshar, India, 2010. 240 pages.
Choueiri, Raja
Le Pays de Byblos-Jbeil Visité par Amine Rihani (The Country of Byblos-Jbeil Visited by Ameen Rihani), Territoires litteraires du Liban, Edition Felix Beryte, Beyrouth, 2001, 236 pages.
Chweiri, Mirna
Fictional Mestiza in Rihani’s The Book of Khalid, M.A. thesis, Faculty of Humanities, Notre Dame University, Beirut, 2013, 98 pages.
Dunnavent, Dr. Walter Edward III
Ameen Rihani In America: Transcendentalism in an Arab-American Writer, Ph. D. dissertation, Indiana University, Indiana, U.S.A., 1991, 245 pages.
Funk, Dr. Nathan C., and Betty J. Sitka
Ameen Rihani: Bridging East and West, A Pioneering Call for Arab-American Understanding. Proceedings of the Ameen Rihani 2002 International Symposium, eds., American University Washington DC, University Press of America, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford, 2004, 202 pages.
Gemali, Dr. Ahmed
East and West in Ameen Rihani’s Thought, PH. D. dissertation, Belgrade University, Serbia, 2006, 287 pages.
Ghawsh, Roula T.
The Unity of Being in Ameen Rihani's The Book of Khalid, M.A. thesis, Notre Dame University, Beirut, Lebanon, 2003, 72 pages.
Hajjar, Prof. Nijmeh S.
The Political and Social Thought of Ameen Rihani, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 1992, 232 pages. Published by Tauris Academic Studies, I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd., London, New York, 2010, 305 pages.
Hajjar, Prof. Nijmeh S. and Ahmad Shboul
Ameen Rihani International Conference (25-26 November 2010) Ameen Rihani a Century of Engaging Humanism, University of Sydney, Australia, Dept. of Arabic and Islamic Studies.
Henssonow, Susan F., and Mariam T. Tennoe
Ameen Al-Rihani, (text in German), Betascript Publising, Germany, 2009, 72 pages.
Jahshan, Prof. Paul
100 Years of selected Writings on Ameen Rihani’s The Book of Khalid, ed. and introduced, Platform International, Washington, D.C., 2011, 330 pages.
Jebali, Amani
Exile in The Book of Khalid, MA thesis, University of Nantes, Nantes, France, 2017, 138 pages.
Karam Haydar, Dr. Savo
Ameen Fares Rihani The Multifold Critic, Ph.D. dissertation, Faculty of Humanities, the Lebanese University, Beirut, 2008, 368 pages; published in Germany: by Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.
Keating, Aileen Mirage
Power, Politics, and the Hidden History of Arabian Oil, [on Frank Holmes, Ameen Rihani and Middle Eastern Petroleum Industry], Prometheus Books, 2005, 560 pages.
Keith, David A.
Ameen Rihani and the Development of Arab Secularism onto and Beyond the Americas, Honors Program, Ph.D. dissertation, Amherst College, Mass., 2017, 224 pages.
Kratchkovsky, Prof. Ignace
Amin Rihani : L'Oeuvres Choisies, Edition Feux, Petrograd, U.S.S.R., 1917, 190 pages.
Leivin, Dr. Z. E.
The Philosopher of Freike, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1965. Reprinted 1974, Moscow. Translated from Russian into Arabic by Dr. Khalaf Mohammad Al-Jarrad, Dar Al-Masader, Damascus, Syria, 1992, 120 pages.
Matar, Dr. Rima
Language and Interference: A Shortcoming or Defiance, Ameen Rihani the Writer-Translator, Ph.D. dissertation, Faculty of Letters, The Holy Spirit University, Kaslik, Lebanon, 2012, 309 pages.
Mawlawi, Nuwar
Annotated translation of selected chapters from Ar- Rihaniyyat, Volumes 1 & 2 by Amin Ar-Rihani, M.A. thesis, University of Bath, Bath, U.K., 1984,132 pages.
Mhiri, Dr. Mootacem Bellah
The Transcultural and Transnational Poetics of Ameen Rihani and Paul Smail, Ph.D. dissertation in Comparative Literature, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, U.S.A., 2005, 200 pages.
Naddaf, Elias
Sintesi Culturale E Strutture Narrative in "The Book of Khalid" di Amin Rihani, M.A. thesis, University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, 1996, 82 pages.
Nash, Prof. Geoffrey, P.
The Arab Writer in English, Arab Themes in a Metropolitan Language, 1908-1958, The British Comparative Literature Association, University of Essex, Colchester, U.K., 1994, 234 pages.
Oueijan, Prof. Naji, Assaad Eid, Carol Kfoury, and Doumit Salameh
Ameen Rihani’s Arab_American Legacy: From Romanticism to Postmodernism, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Lebanese American Literary Figures, ed. and introduced, Notre Dame University Press, Louaize, Lebanon, 2012, 395 pages.
Oueisse, Laudi
Amine Rihani le Penseur de Freike, Les Cahiers de l’Oronte, Beyrouth, 1965, 48 pages.
Pipia, Silvia
Ameen Rihani: "The Path of Vision", Due Culture A Confronto (Ameen Rihani The Path of Vision, Confrontation of Two Cultures, M.A. thesis in Italian, University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, 2000, 105 pages.
Rihani, Albert
Where to Find Ameen Rihani, a bibliography, The Arab Institute for Research and Publications, Beirut, 1979, 558 pages.
Ruiz Bravo-Villasante, Prof. Carmen
Un Testigo Árabe Del Siglo XX: Amin Al- Rihani en Marruecos y en España (1939), Editorial Cantarabia, Universidad Autónoma De Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1993, 108 pages.
Sagher, Raheel
The International Recognition of Ameen Rihani's Book of Khalid, a Diaspora Study, Faisalabad University, Pakistan, 2018, 128 pages.
Shahid, Prof. Irfan
Ameen Rihani: The Apostle of the Arab-American Relationship, with an introduction by Prof. Michael C. Hudson. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 2010, 64 pages.
Sheikh-Ali, Anas
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Ameen Rihani, a comparative study, M.A. thesis, School of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 1972, 186 pages.
Surhone, Lambert M., Mariam T. Tennoe and Susan F. Henssonow
Amin Al- Rihani, (text in German), Betascript Publising, Germany, 2011, 68 pages.
Tkhinvaleli, Dr. Maria
Travel in Modern Arabic literature, The Example of Ameen Rihani, Ph.D. dissertation in the Georgian language, Tblisi University, Tblisi, The Republic of Georgia, 1991, 324 pages.
Toksung, Shun
The Modern Asian Aspect in Ameen Rihani’s Literature and Thought, M.A. thesis, School of Arts and Sciences, Seoul University, South Korea, 246 pages, 2006.
Vsesoi︠u︡znai︠a︡ gosudarstvennai︠a︡ biblioteka inostrannoĭ literatury
Amin ar- Reikhani; bio-bibliograficheskiĭ ukazatel, Moskva, 1959, 34 pages.
Zakka, Prof. Najib Mansour
Amine Rihani, thèse de Doctorat de IIIe Cycle, Université des Sciences Humaines de Strasbourg, France, 1975, 271 pages ; Publications de l’Université de Lille sous le titre Amin Ar-Rihani, Penseur et Homme de Lettres Libanais, France, 1979.
Zeitouni, Prof. Latif
Sémiologie du Récit de Voyage : Etude de Qalb Lubnan, Doctorat d'Etat, Université Aix-en-Provence, France, 1980 ; Publications de l’Université Lebanaise, Beyrouth, 1997, 289 pages.
- The total collection of books, theses and dissertations on Rihani in different languages has reached until now 159 works.
A second rendering of Rihani by Oberhardt
Selected Articles & Lectures
Ainda Amin Rihani, Oriente, San Paulo, Brazil, October 1966.
Al-Abtah, Sawsan
Ameen Rihani Turned Down The Titlte of Emir, and The Presidency of the Republic For His Writings, Asharq Al-Awsat, Beirut, Lebanon, August 13, 1996.
Al-Ghathami, Abdullah Bin Mohammed
King Abdul Aziz as Depicted in the Writings of Ameen Rihani, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January, 1999, 15 pages.
Al-Rashid, Ibrahim
Documents on the History of Saudi Arabia, Vol. I, Documentary Publications, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA, 1976, pages 111-137.
Al-Rashid, Ibrahim
Documents on the History of Saudi Arabia, Vol. II, Documentary Publications, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA, 1976, pages 22-43.
Al-Rashid, Ibrahim
Documents on the History of Saudi Arabia, Vol. III, Documentary Publications, Salisbury, North Carolina, USA, 1976, page 117.
Ameen Ferris Rihani, Member of the National Art Theatre Society of New York, New York, U.S.A., March 1904, page 150.
Ameen Rihani, 63, Poet and Publicist; Translator of Arabian Works Was Spokesman for Syrians, New York Times, New York, U.S.A., September 19, 1940, page 23.
Ameen Rihani, Forerunner of the Arab Renaissance, The Bulletin, issued by the Lebanese Central Office of Information, Beirut, Lebanon, March 1966, pages 18-25.
Ameen Rihani, booklet of Foreign Policy Association, New York, U.S.A., 1929.
Amin Rihani: Celebre libanes, Revusta de Cultura, Ano II, No. 21, Uruguay, Mexico D.F., February 25, 1939.
Amin Rihani: Ideoliodor da Confederaceo Arabie, Oriente, San Paulo, Brazil, February 1965.
Amine Rihani, L'Apôtre du Liban dans le Monde, La Revue du Liban, 27 annee, No. 52, Beirut, Lebanon, page 28.
Amine Rihani: El Filosofo y Saberbio Nacionalista Arabe, La Reforma, Santiago, Chile, May 16, 1935.
Anthony, John Duke
Foreword. U. S. - Arab Relations: The literary Dimension, by Gregory Orfalea, Occasional Papers No. 2, Arab American Cultural Foundation, Washington, D.C., U.S.A., 1984.
Ar-Risala Magazine, on Ameen Rihani, Beirut, Lebanon, 1956.
Awabida, Riyad
The Style of Ameen Rihani, The Arab Teacher Magazine, Damascus, Syria, April, 1992.
Ayoub, Eddie
An Open Letter to Ameen Rihani, The Syrian World, New York, U.S.A., August 29, 1935, page 7.
Bejjani, Emile
Amin Rihani, Le Canard, As-Safa, Beirut, Lebanon, November 24, 1973.
Blackburn, Steven P.
The Book of Khalid, Al-Arabiyyah Magazine, U.S.A., No. 9, 1976, pages 19-25.
Bulletin of the Authors Club, Manhattan, New York, U.S.A., May to September 1922.
Burke, W. J. et al
American Authors and Books 1640 to the Present Day, 3rd revised edition, New York, U.S.A., 1972.
Bushrui, Suheil
Ameen Rihani: Lebanese-American Author Who brought Arabia to the West, Al Jadid Magazine, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., Vol. 3, Issue 15, February 1997, pages 12, 13, 23, and Vol. 3, Issue 16, March 1997, pages 10-11.
Bushrui, Suheil
The Global Consciousness of Ameen Rihani, French Senate, Paris, France, April 6, 1995.
Challita, Mansour
Amine Rihani: Il a choisi la voie la plus difficile, Le Jour, Beirut, Lebanon, April 18, 1945.
Challita, Mansour
Amine Rihani: Un Grand Ecrivain, Le Jour, Beirut, Lebanon, April 19, 1945.
Chejne, Anwar
Amin Al-Rihani and Al-Andalus: A Journey into History, Al-Arabiyya, 1976, pages 9-18.
Colonial Ambitions of Nations Backed; Speakers from Four Lands Tell War-Cure Gathering that they Aim to Promote Progress, New York Times, New York, U.S.A., January 22, 1931, page 48.
Conférence sur Rihani, Magazine, Beirut, Lebanon, October 28, 1965.
Conférence sur Rihani, Le Jour, Beirut, Lebanon, October 23, 1965.
Dakroub, Mohammad
The Art of the Novel in Rihani: The Book of Khalid, a Prototype, Al-Hayat, London, England, September 15, 1990.
Dayton, Dorothy
Ameen Rihani, Back from East, New York Sun, New York, U.S.A., January 26, 1929.
Dossier Amine Rihani, le Penseur de Freike, Les Cahiers de l'Oronte, Lodi Aouais, Beirut, Lebanon, December 1965.
Funk, Nathan
East, West, and Everywhere: The life, Work, and Outlook of Ameen Rihani, American University, Washington, DC, U.S.A., January, 1996.
Gibb, H. A. R.
Review of Ibn Sa'oud of Arabia: His People and His Land, by Ameen Rihani, Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, England, May 1928, pages 221-223.
Hakim, Victor
Amine Rihani Devient Un de Nos Classiques, La Revue du Liban, Beirut, Lebanon, December 17, 1971, pages 86-89.
Hakim, Victor
Au Repértoire des Gloires libanaises, La Revue du Liban, Beirut, Lebanon, September 5, 1964.
Hakim, Victor
La Pensée d'Amine Rihani et son Retrouvaille avec les immigrés, La Revue du Liban, Beirut, Lebanon, August 4, 1973.
Haskell, Mary (translated by Fouad Sader)
Un Document Inédit Portrait d'Amine Al-Rihani d'après Son Ecriture, La Revue du Liban, Beirut, Lebanon, November 12, 1944.
Hawi, Elia
A Modern Arab Sindbad Travels in His Inner Self and in the World, Al-Hayat, London, England, September 15, 1990.
Hayek, Farajallah
Amin Rihani: Penseur et Historien, La Revue du Liban, Beirut, Lebanon, April 13, 1942, pages 5-11.
Hitti, Philip K.
Review of Arabian Peak and Desert, by Ameen Rihani, New York Herald Tribune, New York, February 8, 1931, sec. 11, page 10.
Hitti, Philip K.
Rihani's Place in History, The Federation Herald, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., December 2, 1940.
Hitti, Philip K.
Rihani's Contribution to Arabic Lore, The Syrian World, New York, U.S.A., April 1929, pages 15-18.
Honein, Edouard
Le Role du Liban dans la Renaissance Arabe (Amine Rihani, 24 Novembre 1876 - 15 Août 1948), L'Orient, Beirut, Lebanon, November 26, 1948.
Hottinger, Arnold
Amin Ar-Rihani: The Self View of a Modern Arab, Intellectual life in Arab East 1890-1939, edited by Marwan R. Buheiry, Center for Arab and Middle East Studies, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, 1981.
Ilat, Eliaho
Rihani's Position on Imperialism, Zionism and Wars, Extracts from Ilat's book "Zion and the Arabs", As-Safir, Beirut, Lebanon, November 29, 1981.
Jabre, Jamil
Amine Rihani: Artisan Inconnu de L'Indépendance, Action, Beirut, Lebanon, October 10, 1948.
Jabre, Jamil
Amine Rihani: L'Apôtre du Modernisme dans le Proche-Orient, Le Jour, Beirut, Lebanon, December 2, 1948.
Jabre, Jamil
Amine Rihani: Messager de la libération, Le Monde libanais, Beirut, Lebanon, November 24, 1974.
Jabre, Jamil
Amine Rihani: Précurseur de la Renaissance Arabe, The Bulletin, issued by the Lebanese Central Office of Information, Beirut, Lebanon, March 1966, pages 18-26.
Kanaan, Fuad
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Interested readers can also see the Expanded list of Books and Dissertations on Ameen Rihani